スーパーマリオUSA 游戏

  • 中文名: 超级马力欧USA
  • 开发: 任天堂情報開発本部
  • 发行: 任天堂
  • 音乐: 近藤浩治
  • 关卡设计: 田邊賢輔
  • 导演: 田邊賢輔
  • 程序: 中郷俊彦岩脇敏夫
  • 别名: Super Mario USA
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Super Mario Advance
  • スーパーマリオアドバンス(GBA)
  • 超级马里奥USA
  • 平台: NES
  • GBA
  • 游戏类型: ACT
  • 游玩人数: 1-2
  • 发行日期: 1988-10-09(NES), 2001-04(GBA)
  • 售价: 4,900円
  • 官方网站: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ngc/sms/history/smu/


/ 7人想玩 / 58人玩过 / 1人在玩 / 2人搁置 / 7人抛弃
Super Mario USA is the second game in the Super Mario series. It originally was for the Nintendo Entertainment System, but was subsequently ported to many other systems. The game was originally released in America on October 9, 1988; and in Europe on April 28, 1989. As a result of Japan already having Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels as its second installment of the Super Mario series, the game did not make its debut in the country until after the release of Super Mario World on July 14, 1992 (hence, making it Japan's fifth installment of the series).

Super Mario Bros. 2 initially started out as the prototype sequel to the original Super Mario Bros.; however, it was scrapped during its development, and was replaced by Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. The reasons included the technical limitations of the NES system making it difficult to produce a polished game featuring a vertical orientation and multiplayer features conceived for the project. It was decided to add more Mario-like elements, such as horizontal levels (though many veritcally oriented levels were retained in the final project). Being that the game had went through some development, Nintendo created the game Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic for the Famicom Disk System during its agreement with the Fuji Television company. The game was changed in order to fit with the theme of the mascots of the company and their adventure. Regardless, it used the same engine as the original developed Super Mario Bros. 2, and also kept some of the Mario elements such as the items and basic game play in its reference.

After Nintendo of America deemed that Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels as being too difficult, Nintendo redeveloped Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic back into a Super Mario Bros. game to be released in the countries outside of Japan. After its release, the game became a commercial success, and eventually the game became well received enough that it was also released in Japan. After performing successful sales, Super Mario Bros. 2 has since been considered a classic Super Mario Bros. game around the world (including in Japan), and has since been released in many remakes including to being one of the Mario games featured in Super Mario All-Stars, and as well as having its own remake in Super Mario Advance.




爱生活甚于爱生活的意义 玩过 @ 2024-2-8 22:20


Anabel 玩过 @ 2023-12-22 00:44


vec 玩过 @ 2023-12-6 20:44

抛开换皮的问题不说,游戏素质其实很好的。“拔萝卜”是主要玩法,但是玩法非常丰富,设计出了找钥匙、挖掘、Boss攻略等,甚至还能让你觉得“卧槽还能有这种操作”的关卡设计,能支撑起这么多内容,挺厉害的。这个才是真正的《马力欧2》而且里面很多的元素日后都继承过来了……原来的那个日本的马力欧 2 才是真正的黑历史。

coleete 玩过 @ 2023-12-3 11:56

游戏本身素质还行,欧美也没发售过换皮前的游戏,欧美来说这就是原作吧。我也没玩过换皮前,不过本作我小时候和3一起玩的 ,好玩是好玩,但拿来和3比就高下立判了。到了GBA复刻的时候才细细品味,比较印象深的还是拿红钥匙被追,小时候一直很怕这个。现在想想真的想笑。

brad 抛弃 @ 2023-3-6 13:19

GBA移植版别名:Super Mario Advance、スーパーマリオアドバンス

努斯万科 玩过 @ 2022-5-26 19:29


T T 在玩 @ 2020-11-6 02:58


狸猫君 想玩 @ 2016-10-27 03:35


wildarm 玩过 @ 2016-9-28 15:43

毒蘑菇事件是任地狱和茂哥的黑历史。沿用1代的素材,难度疯狂,更接近那些抖m同人系列,这么重口变态的游戏只有小日本才能啃得下,所以only for jap。想进一步了解这段黑历史可以看看此视频:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2149872。小时候一直以为拔萝卜才是正统续作,看完视频后才发现童年被忽悠。

Laser 玩过 @ 2016-7-22 21:39


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