The Big Bang Theory (Season 8)

ep.8 The Prom Equivalency

时长:00:20:14 / 首播:2014-11-06
After finding Penny's old prom dress the girls decide to have a new prom on the roof. Sheldon is worried about the post-prom mating activities that he feels Amy will expect and has a panic attack after he sees how pretty she is. Amy reassures him he is under no pressure, but she does hope they will have intimacy one day. She also wants to tell Sheldon something, but realizes he can't say it. Sheldon surprises her by saying he loves her. Amy is overjoyed, but also starts having a panic attack.

Howard is not happy since he figures Stuart will bring his mother. Stuart embarrasses him by bringing Howard's second-cousin Jeanie, the girl Howard lost his virginity to. Howard attacks Stuart in the limo for having relationships with his family members. A jealous call from Debbie causes Stuart to abandon Jeanie at the prom. Emily reveals she loves the darker versions of fairy tales, disturbing Bernadette.

Leonard and Penny dance together romantically though no music is playing and admit that they probably wouldn't have approached each other to dance if they had met at their proms, but are happy together now.

Recurring characters: Kevin Sussman as Stuart Bloom, Laura Spencer as Emily Sweeney
Guest star: Kara Luiz as Jeanie, Laura Spencer as Emily Sweeney

Title reference: Amy and Bernadette decide to redo their high school prom on the roof since no one except Penny had good memories of theirs.

吐槽箱 7

#1 - 2014-11-7 18:18
(He's dead, Jim.)
Wow! Wow! He said it!!!!!
#2 - 2014-11-7 21:22

#3 - 2014-11-9 15:05
He finally said it!

#4 - 2014-11-20 03:16
Yeah, go have weird relationships with your own mother and cousin. This is his turf.
#5 - 2014-12-22 00:03
#6 - 2019-4-2 16:39
(俺は不本意を愛していた ​​​​)
#7 - 2022-1-29 22:35