The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut 游戏

  • 中文名: 范海辛的奇妙冒险:终极剪辑版
  • 游戏类型: ARPG
  • 发行日期: 2015-11-06
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发: NeocoreGames
  • 发行: NeocoreGames


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    / 2人想玩 / 9人玩过
    Grab your weapons and embark on an incredible adventure in the gothic-noir world of Borgovia, where mad science threatens the peace between monsters and mortals. Save the day with your charming companion, Lady Katarina (who happens to be a ghost). Explore the wilderness and the grim districts of a metropolis twisted by weird science, and don’t forget: you might never know who the real monsters are! The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut is the definite collection of three stand-alone episodes told as one continuous story, with six playable classes and a new endgame mode with a huge variety of open missions!

    Main features

    Enter a memorable gothic-noir universe – Explore Borgovia, the land of monsters, magic and weird science.
    Over 50 hours gameplay in the campaign – Play through a refreshingly unique story, spiced up with wry humor and snappy dialogue.
    Specialists needed! – Choose from six playable classes, each of them a specialist of the monster-hunting profession. Defeat your foes with steel and gun, master the art of weird science or take control over the forces of magic and shadows.
    Huge variety of skills – The huge and complex skill tree, unique to each class, gives you a vast range of opportunities to make good use of your chosen class.
    Action-packed adventures – Fight fierce battles against supernatural foes with diverse skills and abilities.
    Rage system – You can charge up to three skill modifiers called PowerUps by spending Rage points collected from impressive feats.
    Lady Katarina – Use the special abilities and tailor the skills of your remarkable follower.
    Hunter’s Lair – Build and develop your hideout to stash collected loot, trade with non-playable characters, teleport between locations and forge new items.
    Tower defense mini-game – With enemies invading in waves, you have the opportunity to defend your Lair and other strategic locations with deployable traps and several upgradable functions to ward off evil.
    New level cap – Reach level 100 and evolve further in the endgame featuring a Glory system, rare items and two types of unique endgame currency.
    Scenarios – Play scenario maps with randomly generated terrains, monsters, objectives and special conditions.
    Never a dull day in Borgovia – Try the daily quests, challenges and weekly events that will give you new missions and long hours of entertainment after the campaign.
    Multiplayer – Become the greatest monster slayer of all time while playing in one of the cooperative or PvP multiplayer modes (4-player co-op mode, Touchdown, Arena or Battle Royal).

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    傀誌Cɹaitɕ 玩过 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing @ 2015-11-14 22:40


    日蚀 玩过 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing @ 2015-6-9 11:26


    华优 玩过 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing @ 2013-12-3 19:02

    游戏素质不错,可玩度蛮高的,没去了解背景光看设定图我还以为范海辛生了个女儿,主角一张嘴说话,我眼泪留下来... 听说是匈牙利小作坊出品,不过玩起来感觉很好,有意思。 打击感不是很理想,技能充能方式蛮有意思的,游戏玩的少第一次见,天赋树也可以随意点,自由度高 剧情流程太几把短了,不跑支线、不全地图探索、没有成就强迫症的话才三章的主线剧情根本不够看,还有最后那算什么!一点诚意都没有。

    Saussure 搁置 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing @ 2013-10-22 22:21


    十六夜の月 玩过 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing @ 2013-7-8 01:02


    怀言者 抛弃 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing @ 2013-6-15 14:08

    (1)18GB的容量——流程也不长,也没啥动画,敌人、装备也是各种单调。 (2)主动技能从数据到画面表现各种无聊,几乎没有爽快感可言。怪物数量多且扎堆,经常一起触发跑过来围殴,对单体的战斗技能几无用武之地。 (3)画面总体感觉不错,只是战斗场面单调乏味。 (4)打击感比较差,远程武器的音效弱到让人笑尿。 (5)卡特琳娜、塔防和各种恶搞致敬是亮点。卡特琳娜是最大亮点。

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