龙泉楼 Long​-​quan Lou EP

ep.3 Shelter

时长:04:04 / 首播:
A homeless man visits the apartment in a rainy night, looking for a corner to take a rest. He collects some trash to make himself a bed. Not very comfortable, but warm enough to prevent him from catching a cold. Thinking about where to go tomorrow, he gradually falls asleep.
In the dream, he finds himself on a leaf boat, floating on a wide stream. The thick gaze surrounds him and nothing else is in sight. He paddles around trying to find a bank but nothing comes out. Suddenly a cliff shows up in front. He fails to run away and is about to fall. But surprisingly only the leaf boat fell down and he is flying higher away. Everything vanished and he is gradually covered with white light...
The sunlight wakes him from the dream. It's time to leave the apartment and resume the thip without a destination.
