The Thick of It Season 4 欧美剧

  • 中文名: 幕后危机 第四季
  • 主演: Peter Capaldi
  • 集数: 7
  • 开始: 2012-09-08
  • 类型: 政治 / 喜剧
  • 国家/地区: 英国
  • 语言: 英语


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    In series 4, the government and opposition have switched places following an election during which JB failed to gain a majority and is therefore in coalition government with a smaller third party. Peter Mannion has been made the Secretary of State for Social Affairs and Citizenship but has to contend with Fergus Williams, his junior partner in the coalition. Meanwhile, following Tom Davis's defeat and resignation, Nicola Murray had been elected by her party, apparently on a technicality over Dan Miller, her opponent, as leader of the opposition, although she resigns at the end of episode four and is replaced by her deputy, Miller. A running thread throughout the series is an ongoing "Leveson-style public inquiry" which takes place in episode six. While the first four episodes each focuses solely on one party (episode one focusing on Peter and Fergus, episode two focusing on Nicola and Malcolm and so on), each episode thereafter cuts between the parties. The final three episodes of series four show both parties trying to cover their tracks regarding a public health care bill which has led to the public eviction and consequent suicide of Douglas Tickel, a nurse with a history of mental illness. All three main parties have some level of responsibility and have participated in the illegal leaking of documents, in particular Tickel's medical records, which is the reason for the Goolding Inquiry being launched.

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