Scarface 小说

  • 中文名: 疤面煞星
  • 册数: 1
  • 出版社: Bloomsbury Paperbacks
  • 发售日: 2005年9月5日
  • 页数: 192
  • ISBN: 978-0747578611
  • 作者: Armitage Trail
  • 初版发售日: 1930年1月1日


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      The book's storyline is heavily inspired by the real life gangster Al Capone whose nickname was also "Scarface". It concerns the rise and fall of Tony "Scarface" Guarino, who after performing a hit on mob leader Al Springola, moves in to take over the illegal alcohol business in an unnamed city during the Prohibition Era. He becomes the most powerful gang leader in the city, performing a series of daring killings. He is ultimately shot dead by his brother, the chief of Police, who fails to recognize him due to the family believing him to have died in World War I.




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