Kojot négy lelke 剧场版

  • 中文名: 土狼的四个灵魂
  • 话数: 1
  • 别名: Four Souls of Coyote
  • 上映年度: 2023年3月16日
  • 片长: 100分
  • 官方网站: https://www.4soulsofcoyote.com/
  • Copyright: © 2023 | All rights reserved | Cinemon Entertainment
  • 导演: Áron Gauder


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    We are slowly destroying Earth because we humans think we are special. Native populations have always known that we are just a small part of creation. The story is about our shared responsibility for each other and Earth.

    Through adventures filled with animals, magic, hunger, greed and the sacred circle of all creations, the story gives us hope that it is not too late to correct course. It is the last minute to save us on Earth.

    The rich culture of the Native American people has remained largely unexplored in the world of film and animation, and most films are not based on the authentic cultural heritage of the people. Their culture itself is very close to nature and all living creatures; their morals and wisdom are similar to modern environmental and green movements. Our film wants to bring this rich, magical and powerful knowledge to screens in a new and fresh way.

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