Wabbit 游戏

  • 平台: Atari 2600
  • 游戏类型: STG
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 1982年9月
  • 开发: Apollo
  • 发行: Apollo
  • 程序: Van Tran


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      Wabbit is a farming simulation game with elements of the shoot 'em up genre in which the player controls a female character named "Billie Sue". Rabbits have descended upon Sue's farm and are quickly devouring her crop of carrots. In order to ward off the rabbits, the player must throw rotten eggs at them before they are able to carry away Sue's carrots. The player scores points by hitting rabbits, and the rabbits score points by carrying carrots off-screen. As the player's score increases, the rabbits move progressively faster. The game ends when either the player scores 1300 points or the rabbits' score reaches 100; whenever the player's score reaches a multiple of 100, the rabbits' score is lowered.




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