The Heroes Rising TV

  • 话数: 27
  • 放送开始: 2008年
  • 语言: 波斯语
  • 制片国家/地区: 伊朗
  • 导演: Siavash ZarrinAbadi
  • 编剧: Siavash ZarrinAbadi
  • 系列制作: Alireza Golpayegani
  • 音乐制作: Saeeid Ansari
  • 制作公司: Saba Animation Studio


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    Pahlavan Mahmood Qatali Kharazmi, also known as Pouria Vali, is an Iranian famous poet, mystic, and athlete. He is a blacksmith and also the head of the city's "Zurkhaneh" (traditional gymnasium). He is a respectable and trusted man and very popular among the people. Taking place in 13th and 14th century, he lives in Kharazm, an ancient city of Khorasan. The story revolves around his stance and battle against the villain of the city, the savage, greedy and ambitious Eskandar Khan with the wisdom and cooperation of his disciples: Pahlavan (champion/hero) Yavar, Pahlavan Safi and Pahlavan Mofrad.

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