憂楼 ~Transient Sands~ 游戏

  • 中文名: 忧楼~短暂的沙~
  • 开发: Harvest
  • 游戏类型: RPG
  • 发行日期: 1996-08-02(PC98),1997-01-28(Windows)


/ 9人想玩 / 5人玩过 / 1人搁置 / 1人抛弃
Riku is a knight of the Yuurou empire, part of a medieval fantasy world known as Varcias. One day, returning to Yuurou through the desert, Riku found a girl lying nearly unconscious on the sand. This girl is revealed to be Azusa, a modern-day Japanese schoolgirl who, thanks to a time warp, ended up in Varcias. Riku must now help Azusa return to her home world. But enemy forces are attacking Yuurou, and the Empress is in desperate need of assistance...




渡りの詩 玩过 @ 2020-5-18 16:41

用的早期伊苏的半角色漂移攻击方式(即与敌人身体一半接触,可以不受伤害而进行对敌攻击 ),手残人士也能快乐地玩耍,因为其本质还是个数值游戏,但问题在于越到后期对于等级的依赖性就越发突出。设定方面也颇有特色,比如:同样是穿越这作却是女主穿越到男主所在的异世界,这是基于PC98时代一本道主流和路人亦可推的背景才能够实现的。另外不得不提的一点是H文写的确实不错。结局方面感觉能出续作但没看到啊

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