Person of Interest (Season 3)

ep.22 A House Divided

时长:00:43:39 / 首播:2014-05-06
In a series of flashbacks to 2010, the narrative reveals the backstory on Collier, the face of Vigilance. His brother had been falsely accused of terrorist activities, held without trial, and had committed suicide as a result. The Machine's latest numbers include Control, Senator Garrison, a presidential assistant, and a seemingly unconcerned Greer. Vigilance kidnaps them, along with Finch, and the episode ends with Vigilance about to conduct a private trial of their detainees, while Reese and Shaw, along with Hersh (joining forces after a tense confrontation) watch from a closed-circuit TV screen set up for their benefit. Meanwhile, Root has discovered the location of the Samaritan system.

Directed by Chris Fisher
Written by Amanda Segel

吐槽箱 7

#1 - 2014-5-7 23:42
这方便主义的发展OTL唯以Mr. Fisher的双人对话为藉……
#2 - 2014-5-10 02:42
(门隔流水 十年无桥)
这段拍的 有点国土的风味了 反派中二的不得了 (bgm39)
李私塾的存在感倒是越来越弱了 一出场的画面就是在说宅总很重要(bgm26)
#3 - 2015-11-28 04:20
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#4 - 2016-9-5 21:05
#5 - 2021-8-13 02:30
#5-1 - 2022-6-16 02:38
#6 - 2022-6-16 01:52
(玫瑰幻色终是梦, 石径悠长方为真)