Person of Interest (Season 2)

ep.1 The Contingency

时长:00:43:57 / 首播:2012-09-27
Reese receives a series of seemingly random words from the Machine via the pay phone. After assigning Carter to look deeper into Alicia Corwin's death, he eventually realizes that the words identify three different books in Finch's library, the Dewey decimal numbers of which make up the Social Security number of accountant Leon Tao (Ken Leung). Paying Tao a visit, Reese confirms that Tao is the next POI, having extorted money from white supremacists. As a government operative sabotages the Corwin investigation to prevent Carter from learning about the Machine, Reese leaves Tao in the care of Fusco while he concentrates on gathering clues to Finch's location. Fusco soon runs afoul of the white supremacists and is taken hostage along with Tao. Reese rescues them, and in doing so acquires an attack dog, which he later names Bear. Meanwhile, Root takes Finch with her as she kidnaps Denton Weeks, one of the government officials overseeing the Machine, and the NSA agent who met with Nathan Ingram and attempted to seize control of the Machine (in "Super"). Root thus reveals her curiosity as to how he and Reese thwarted her operation (in "Root Cause") so efficiently. She tells Finch that she sees the Machine as a "perfect intelligence" and wishes to set it free from the corrupt people it was entrusted to. Throughout the episode, flashbacks show Finch training the Machine to recognize the faces it sees via surveillance cameras, as well as testing its capabilities by having it help him to play Blackjack. When, during one flashback, the Machine saves Finch from an out-of-control car, he rebukes it, stating that it should endeavor to protect everyone else, not him. Frustrated that the Machine has been programmed in this way, Reese threatens to quit if it does not help him find Finch, and is given his first clue to Finch's location: the Social Security number of a girl living in Texas, who has been missing since the age of 14.

Directed by Richard J. Lewis
Written by Denise Thé & Jonathan Nolan

吐槽箱 6

#1 - 2012-10-4 15:24
#2 - 2012-10-21 00:18
S2一开局就进入状态。剧本结构依然巧致,台词仍旧精彩,而前后者均仿若容易成谶神秘低语。摄制还是走得很稳健。这个EP1虽无太多悬疑因素,但还是非常精彩。抛弃片头而以“数据调用”回顾背景信息直接切入故事,使得接续到S1时既有章节感又不拖泥带水,而且很有本片特色。它的聪明还体现在,这与EP1插叙回溯时的格式达成了统一。由于有太多伏笔要应和,POI方面以一个直来直去的案子为主线急迫性让路。但其简洁之中仍然饱含魅力,它呈现了一些有趣的角色、可爱的梗(前特工拐走条前军犬,这实在是让人又心酸又萌啊)以及几乎是苦中作乐的幽默。故而单元剧风味并未受到折损。当然,这同时还受惠于本子对主、辅线交织一贯的重视。这次的联接点也很妙——“可它为何不救(缔造了它的)你”,Finch与The Machine曾经的交互解释了本次POI的产生。而这点关联裂变出无尽令人心痛的悲哀感。一直以来我都不愿将“POI”同《1984》过多地联系起来,虽涉及同样的伦理疑问,但The Machine的数据、过程黑匣与权限闭锁令它丧失了支撑起极权的能力。基于这项理想化的设定,“POI”似乎切断了推演社会(尤其政治状况)的路径。这让它看起来不像要作反乌托邦探讨而似乎更愿意在维持(可批判的)现有社会环境的前提下(The Machine那稀少的产出大致可以被认为是语焉不详的匿名线报那样的东西)把精力集中在描绘人情,直到S1末尾那个电话响起。虽作了些迂回,S2EP1最终还是证实了关于The Machine的新猜测——它并非a machine而近于an intelligent agent,而且它在考虑一些人对于它的特殊性。这柔情得让人落泪,却也带着危险的信号。那场深邃的赌场回忆中,Finch意识到其中的错误性并试图谋杀它们。他故意输掉筹码,令The Machine自神坛坠落——它不应在有限的预设功能外干预世事;他厉色声明原则,令The Machine表现出冷漠中立——它不应将任何个人视作特殊。Root所谓解放或控制,亦正对应这两条歧路。规则可能的漏洞(再给Reese提供帮助时它显然已经发现其中一些了)为前者提供机会,它或将通向Matrix;既已习得的“感情”给后者提供可能,它这下还真有点走往1984的意思了。这两项危机大概会在今后的故事中长期存在,甚至很可能作为终极矛盾导引故事落幕。但我想,S2及其后(会有么?)的部分总有一些是自S1一脉相承的,那该是“POI”对个人命运的高度关注,是Finch散尽赌注后掏出的那枚作为小费的筹码。在必然地牵涉机器人伦理与政治的同时,它大概不会被讲成一个彻头彻尾的寓言。它该是传奇,只是传奇,关于行走在黑暗中的骑士。
#3 - 2015-4-10 04:03
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#4 - 2016-7-14 01:08
#5 - 2021-7-10 03:02
#6 - 2021-11-28 23:26
(玫瑰幻色终是梦, 石径悠长方为真)
这女的想要啥,I just want to set it free?