Person of Interest (Season 2)

ep.15 Booked Solid

时长:00:44:06 / 首播:2013-02-14
Reese and Finch work undercover in a hotel to protect a maid named Mira (Mia Maestro) who escaped the war in Kosovo. With assistance from Zoe, who is also working in the hotel, Reese follows Mira as a bellhop while Finch works as a concierge. Finch finds out that Mira is hiding her true identity, and they realize she is being followed by a hit squad. John discovers she is refusing to cooperate with a reporter attempting to uncover a Serbian general's war crimes. When the reporter is murdered, she decides to send a DVD with evidence to the authorities. Fusco escorts Mira to the station, where one final hit man attempts to kill her, before being shot by Carter. Meanwhile, Carter receives an offer to join the FBI, and is asked to take a polygraph, but is rejected because Cal Beecher, her friend and love interest, has a record of Internal Affairs investigations. Hersh follows Reese to the hotel, acting on orders from Special Counsel, intending to interrogate and kill him, but Reese manages to stab Hersh, and gives him the choice to either seek medical attention or attack Reese. Hersh chooses to go to the hospital, and while in recovery is ordered back to D.C. Finch purchases the hotel and promotes Mira to manager. Thanking Zoe for her help, John flirtatiously informs her that he has taken a suite in the hotel for a night. Meanwhile, Special Counsel's assistant, Miss May, is shown to be Root.

Directed by Frederick E. O. Toye
Written by Nic Van Zeebroeck & Michael Sopczynski

吐槽箱 4

#1 - 2013-2-21 09:01
紧凑多变化的一集,颇酣畅。Nic Van Zeebroeck和Michael Sopczynski这对总算是有点找回第一季时的状态了。Reese、Morgan之间明确的调情反而让他们像单纯在约牌……
今夜Jonathan Nolan上阵!
#2 - 2017-10-1 21:57
李四我不知道你的skill set里还包括约炮!你长得不像啊!
#3 - 2021-7-31 04:18
#4 - 2022-5-18 00:34
(玫瑰幻色终是梦, 石径悠长方为真)