Southland Season 4

ep.4 Identity

时长: / 首播:2012-02-07
Tang tries to help a homeless vet get an ID so he will be admitted to a homeless shelter. The situation opens John's eyes to his partner's past. Sammy is determined to save a dog after he accidentally shoots it in the leg. Lydia and Ruben investigate the murder of a man who lent a helping hand to women in need. Ben and Lydia each face big life changes.

吐槽箱 1

#1 - 2017-11-26 19:22
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
不管是什么罪行,为孩子顶替也属于爱的一部分?感觉detective Robinson犯了原则性错误,亏他还是有妻儿的,若发生类似的情况他会不会想都是个问题更别说去做了,是导演为剧情刻意为之还是美国的价值观跟中国在这方面确实有区别?

