#1 - 2023-5-2 11:25
The Tea Party is a political movement that emerged in the United States in the late 2000s. It is primarily associated with conservative and libertarian views and advocates for smaller government, lower taxes, and reduced government spending.

The movement takes its name from the Boston Tea Party, a protest that occurred in 1773 in which American colonists, angry at British taxation without representation, dumped tea into Boston Harbor.

The modern Tea Party movement began in 2009, in response to the financial crisis and the government's response to it. The movement gained momentum through protests and rallies across the country, and it has since had an impact on American politics, with several Tea Party candidates being elected to Congress.

The Tea Party has been controversial, with critics arguing that it promotes extreme and divisive views, while supporters see it as a necessary check on government power and a defender of individual liberty.
#2 - 2023-5-2 11:33
(Make that money;Watch it burn)
That's a intriguing story, as long as it happened in US.
#3 - 2023-5-2 11:40
at least they have individual liberty in some ways
#4 - 2023-5-2 16:53
(Here lies one whose name was writ in water.)
To minimize the number of bureaucrats would be an unimaginable notion for our xxx.
#5 - 2023-5-2 16:57
yah, the group name reminded me of that historical event first, then I realized it was a brief translation from the original Chinese discussion group(bgm38)
#6 - 2023-5-2 17:05
Sounds like a political mapping
#7 - 2023-5-2 17:10
Perhaps this Tea Party would become the next political movement organization somewhere in the foreseeable future.(bgm117)
#7-1 - 2023-5-2 19:06
#8 - 2023-5-2 17:15
(Make that money;Watch it burn)
Seriously, is it really a political sensitive word? tea party?  Maybe I should change it  to save some unspeakable troubles(bgm38)
#9 - 2023-5-2 19:29
So,do you like playing genshen impart??
#9-1 - 2023-5-2 20:49
me grass, circle P!(bgm38)(bgm38)
#10 - 2023-5-2 22:10
what did the gengshen impart do to you?
#11 - 2023-5-2 22:17
(What are you waiting for)
Why do you think that way?What's your purpose?