#1 - 2017-6-10 19:25
#2 - 2017-6-10 20:50
(BGMのTrinitas<=>婊冈妈<=>补冈妈<=>拜冈妈 三位一体 ...)
#2-1 - 2017-6-10 23:42
#2-2 - 2017-6-11 09:31
林卯 说: ICU,ICU.
imouto anime universe
#2-3 - 2017-6-11 12:09
lhb5883-污喵王VIP⑩ 说: imouto anime universe
#2-4 - 2017-6-11 17:34
林卯 说: ICU是重症加强护理病房,你没看视频?
看了啊 感觉没有什么新意 喷的不够狠啊
#3 - 2017-6-10 21:55
(bgm38)重新定义垃圾 莫名同感
#3-1 - 2017-6-21 09:28
redefine the tissue(bgm38)
#4 - 2017-6-21 08:31
(Rigidity and Uncertainty~☆)
His latest work aims to push the boundary even further...
... I mean it just sounds like another super trashy show - this is a common misconception as Eromanga Sensei isn't just a trashy show... Eromanga Sensei is something else. It is an enigma that transcends the limits of trash itself n become something beyond.
But of course, not all art can be appreciated by everyone, which is why to understand the full extent of this masterpiece, one needs to fully accept who they really are. In Buddhism, it is said that "the root of all suffering is attachment" and Eromanga Sensei has a similar mantra about it. For you see, it is this attachment you must first sever yourself from before you will be ready. Appreciation can only be achieved once you let go of everything: self-esteem, shame, human decency, dignity, and any chance of your parents looking at you with pride... Throw yourself off the deep end with no safety net to catch you, as only once you have fully dedicated to this lifestyle will you reach true enlightenment and come to the realization of the one, undeniable truth of this world: Anime is Trash, and So Am I. You see, to fully comprehend trash, you must first become it.
Somehow the show manages to keep topping itself every week, which is a testament to how revolutionary it is.
See, while other shows may say "Panty Shot Fan-service," Eromanga has the guts to say, "Moe Loli Incest Siscon Bondage Panty Shot Fan-serivce with a dash of Ochin-chin."
(The title) "Eromanga Sensei" is short, relevant, and to-the-point, but with only two words, I think there is vast room for improvement as this is nowhere near the recommended word count for a standard light novel title.
... but you have to ask yourself: "Is she a socially awkward, imouto loli who draws lewd pictures, steals panties, and permanently sounds like shes doing ASMR?"
Sagiri, Kirino, Miyuki, and Sugu could join together to create the world's first Imouto Cinematic Universe! * ICU
... the Japanese are absolutely experts at creating these little inventions you didn't know you need em until you saw them... until I saw Eromanga Sensei, I had no idea what I needed in life was an adorable imouto to blush and call me "Baka!"
So, by now, you're hopefully more understanding of the masterpiece that is Eromanga Sensei.

In short, Eromanga Sensei is a masterpiece, a show we only get once a generation, which is why I can wholeheartedly say that we are witnessing this cultrl revolution in action. It's a show that reaches new heights of degeneracy, trash that transcends the idea of trash, and something that can only be admired by those few brave warriors who have given up on everything. In years past, we will look at this time as the redefining era, or say: "The world was never the same after Eromanga Sensei."

WTF我本来想写点啥,但我反应过来的时候,发现自己竟然在给这人写 transcript??!(bgm38)
#5 - 2017-6-21 23:22
“作为原作党,我只能说伏见司卸下了最后的矜持,厚颜无耻的满足自己的性癖” by myself 2 months ago
#6 - 2017-6-22 00:18
#6-1 - 2017-6-22 08:24
reinvent the tissue(bgm38)
#7 - 2017-6-22 06:54
(其实世上本没有资源帝,伸手伸得多了,也便成了资源帝 ... ...)
#8 - 2017-6-22 10:44
#9 - 2017-6-22 18:43
So am I!
#10 - 2017-6-22 19:11
#11 - 2017-8-15 22:33