It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown 剧场版

  • 中文名: 查理·布朗,圣诞节又到了
  • 别名: 查理·布朗,又是圣诞节
  • 史努比再度圣诞节
  • 上映年度: USA 27 November 1992
  • 片长: 23min
  • 导演: Bill Melendez
  • 编剧: Charles M. Schulz
  • 主演: Jamie E. Smith(voice),John Christian Graas(voice),Marnette Patterson(voice)
  • 制片国家/地区: 美国
  • IMDb: tt0104534


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    章节列表 [全部]:
      As the holiday season rolls around and all the Peanuts gang are getting ready for it. Whether it be Charlie Brown struggling to raise money for his girlfriend or Sally and Peppermint Patty struggling to rehearse and memorize their one word lines for the Christmas pageant, these kids try to keep with the Christmas spirit while Snoopy has his mischief to do.

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      比波普 @ 2022-12-29 23:27

      Joy to the world!

      adieu à tous @ 2022-1-27 19:48

      Pourquoi devons-nous être gentils les uns avec les autres seulement le jour de Noël?

      更多吐槽 »