Psiconautas, los niños olvidados 剧场版

  • 中文名: 被遗忘的孩子
  • 话数: 1
  • 别名: 失心魔島:孤子
  • Psychonauts, the forgotten children
  • 上映年度: 2015
  • 片长: 76分钟
  • 导演: Pedro Rivero / Alberto Vazquez


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Psychonauts is an animated feature directed by Alberto Vazquez and Pedro Rivero, from the original graphic novel of the same title by Alberto Vazquez As a feature, is the culmination of a journey started with the short film 'Birdboy', also based on this graphic novel which was awarded with a Goya Award in 2012. 'Birdboy' was also shortlisted for the Oscar in its category and earned an extensive list of awards at national and international festivals. Aimed at young and adult audiences, Psychonauts is an atypical work that it served of the typical iconography of cartoons series to tell an intense poetic and social story. In it, the struggle of its main characters, DINKY and BIRDBOY, trying to escape of the suffocating atmosphere that is breathed in the island where they live. A place that lost its entire splendor because of a terrible industrial accident The lack of job prospects, the family and social control to whom are perceived as different from the norm, the fondness for addictive substances or a pitiful environment is the field where the characters in this story are moving in which there is no lack of friendship, love and hope to find it elsewhere, a better future The protagonists become so real travelers in mind (Psychonauts) who live isolated past sensations or emotions to avoid facing reality Psychonauts is a strong history of contrasts, combining a friendly, minimalist aesthetic with an adult story with a significant burden of criticism of the society in which we live

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SilverSerenade 看过 @ 2023-9-7 19:36

画风好评,看得挺压抑。 鸟孩最后还是死了,或者说还活着,因为希望永存……满屏黑暗之中,微弱的希望之光。 吸毒的演出很棒

藤原亚℃ 看过 @ 2022-10-22 21:37

希望的传递可能会被杀死,但希望不会,会一直传递下去。Te quiero。

布布 看过 @ 2022-3-1 13:41


Hackroid 看过 @ 2020-4-5 13:25


lycorisiris 看过 @ 2018-8-18 20:02


旅星 看过 @ 2016-10-30 21:16

Pedro Rivero、Alberto Vazquez,西班牙。我愛的要素大集合,尤其是鳥男孩好可愛。世界觀有趣,但後半劇情還是太往童話?的架構偏了,有種被用大絕招給解決掉的感覺,許多伏筆也是匆促帶過。比較想看到更複雜更放得開的故事。

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