The Orange Box 游戏

  • 中文名: 橙盒
  • 开发: Valve Corporation
  • 发行: ValveElectronic Arts
  • 平台: PC
  • Mac
  • Xbox360
  • PS3
  • 游戏类型: FPS
  • 发行日期: 2007-10-10


/ 6人想玩 / 20人玩过 / 1人搁置 / 2人抛弃
The Orange Box is a video game compilation for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Mac OS X and Linux. The Windows and Xbox 360 versions were produced and published by Valve Corporation and released on October 10, 2007 as a boxed retail copy. A Windows-only download through Valve's Steam service was released the previous day. All games run on the Source Engine.

The PlayStation 3 version was produced by Electronic Arts and released on December 11, 2007 in North America and in Europe. Valve has also released a soundtrack containing music from the games within the compilation.

The compilation contains five games, all powered by Valve's Source engine. Two of the games included, Half-Life 2 and its first stand-alone expansion, Episode One, had previously been released as separate products. Three new games were also included in the compilation: the second stand-alone expansion, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, the puzzle game Portal, and Team Fortress 2 (which is now a free-to-play game on Valve's PC platform Steam), the multiplayer game sequel to the original mod based on the Quake engine, Team Fortress and Team Fortress Classic on the original Half Life. A separate product entitled The Black Box was planned, which would have included only the new games, but was cancelled.
The Orange Box has received critical acclaim and Portal was recognized as a surprise favorite of the package. The PlayStation 3 version of The Orange Box has been noted for several technical shortcomings that were not present in the other versions, only a few of which were fixed through a single patch.

大家将 The Orange Box 标注为




非宅兔 搁置 Half-Life 2 @ 2024-4-22 17:00


零号湾 玩过 Half-Life 2 @ 2024-4-19 17:00


Owl Hotaru 玩过 Portal @ 2024-4-11 17:40

看底下评论原来不止我一个人晕3D。游戏真的是个好游戏,推理和解谜要素兼具,并且给玩家一定的自由度,很多关有不同的解法。但是越到后期越晕眩,以至于打完最高的不是成就感而是解脱感。//我对二代评价比一代高很多,一代有一个o rea time简直让玩家感觉被制作者嘲讽,但是二代真的有很大的改进以及更多亮点。

Lin+ 玩过 Portal @ 2024-4-10 18:25


sakamaki 玩过 Portal @ 2024-4-8 23:52


里克大叔 玩过 Portal @ 2024-4-8 12:38


PK.tar.gz 玩过 Portal @ 2024-4-8 11:19


傻瓜的开创者 搁置 Half-Life 2: Episode One @ 2024-4-1 15:36


傻瓜的开创者 搁置 Half-Life 2: Episode Two @ 2024-4-1 15:36


ReWilliamX 玩过 Portal @ 2024-3-31 17:36


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