Rick and Morty Season 1

ep.4 M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

时长:00:21:00 / 首播:2014-01-13
导演/Jeff Myers
编剧/Tom Kauffman
Rick and Jerry are held captive by aliens in a virtual reality in this M. Night Shyamalan style episode. Rick attempts escape multiple times, only to discover that there are multiple virtual realities encased in one another. However, despite system glitches, Jerry remains completely unaware while trying to sell his advertising slogan for apples. Rick finally games the aliens by giving them a fake recipe for the concoction they were seeking to retrieve from him. The aliens send Rick and Jerry on their way and later explode from the concoction.
Post-Credit Scene: Jerry debuts his new advertising slogan for apples in the real world, only to be fired on the spot for how terrible it is despite his protests that it went over well in the simulation. After Jerry leaves, his former boss wonders how Jerry could go home and sleep with his wife after what he had tried to do. Meanwhile, a drunk Rick enters Morty's room during the night. As Rick starts complimenting his grandson and showing appreciation for him, Rick quickly turns on him with a knife and demands to know if Morty is a simulation. Rick then apologizes before passing out on the floor.
Guest starring: David Cross as Prince Nebulon and Radio Voice

注:M. Night Shyamalan(M·奈特·沙马兰),美籍印度裔导演、编剧、制作人,他的电影向来以效果取胜,同时也蕴涵着深刻的哲理,但更吸引人的是影片的结尾,几乎所有影片都会给人一个出乎意料的结局。

吐槽箱 16

#1 - 2015-5-18 17:07
#2 - 2016-7-1 16:05
(等到回想起来,所有的麻烦,都成了回忆 ...)
#3 - 2017-4-26 00:58
查资料时搜到一些关于 M. Night Shaym 的负面消息和评价,例如有媒体对他喜欢安排反转结局的调侃、曾被起诉剽窃以及电影被指抄袭。这集的标题是否也有这层意味,就不得而知了。
#3-1 - 2017-7-10 18:02
#3-2 - 2017-7-10 20:08
zakufa782 说: 是Shyamalan啦,真要说的话沙马兰除了第六感和不死劫之外的电影基本都是烂片,虽然以上这两部也有不少毛病,但真要批评他的也是批评节奏拖沓剧本脑残角色脱线摄影胡来气氛诡异,什么抄袭和强行反转都是小事...
#3-3 - 2019-1-17 16:30
zakufa782 说: 是Shyamalan啦,真要说的话沙马兰除了第六感和不死劫之外的电影基本都是烂片,虽然以上这两部也有不少毛病,但真要批评他的也是批评节奏拖沓剧本脑残角色脱线摄影胡来气氛诡异,什么抄袭和强行反转都是小事...
#4 - 2017-12-15 09:08
#5 - 2017-12-15 14:49
(世界の殼を破られば、我らは生まれずに死んでいく ... ...)
#6 - 2020-2-29 18:49
难怪说是most ambitious but least successful(bgm38)连铯和水放一起都不知道吗(除非那个plutonic quarks能使铯失活
#7 - 2020-7-11 20:06
Human music, I like it!
#8 - 2021-11-16 00:28
#9 - 2022-1-2 22:42
rock said to  morty  "you son of bitch" (bgm38), that mean  your daughter is bitch?
#9-1 - 2022-9-13 08:28
all right .
#10 - 2022-2-6 14:50
#11 - 2022-10-4 23:10
#12 - 2023-8-5 07:31