Hayato 隼人

  • 简体中文名: 隼人
  • 性别:
  • 引用来源: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/ShadowTacticsBladesOfTheShogun


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    The lead protagonist and classical ninja of the party. Hayato is a no-nonsense professional mercenary who's initially only in the story for the paycheck.

    His color is blue, reflecting his nature as The Stoic. Hayato is good at infiltrating: he's excellent at getting in and out of areas and creating distractions to allow himself to slip by. His Shuriken is also a useful alternative to matchlock pistols (available from the mid-game), as it has more range and only produces noise around the target. He lacks any kind of major distraction however—he can't draw a guard's attention for long, and he's only good for taking out one guard at a time.

