The Handmaid's Tale Season 3

ep.1 Night

时长: / 首播:2019-06-05
Directed by Mike Barker
Written by Bruce Miller

After a treacherous journey, Emily escapes Gilead with June's baby Nichole into Canada, where they are granted asylum and Nichole is taken into the care of Luke and Moira. Back in Gilead, June asks Commander Lawrence (who had facilitated Emily and Nichole's escape to Canada) to take her to Hannah before being recaptured by the Guardians and returned to the Waterfords, but not before Hannah's placement mother, Mrs. MacKenzie, warns June that any future visits could result in her execution in front of Hannah. In order to protect himself and Serena from her involvement in Nichole's "kidnapping", Fred publicly pins the blame on Emily, but privately, Serena defiantly tells him that she was the one who sent Nichole away and tries to kill herself by burning down the house, but is soon rescued by June. After being punished at the Red Center, June is reassigned to Commander Lawrence.
