The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes 游戏

  • 中文名: 黑相集:灰烬屋
  • 开发: Supermassive Games
  • 发行: バンダイナムコエンターテインメント
  • 别名: 黑相集:灰冥界
  • 平台: Xbox Series X/S
  • Xbox One
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: 互动电影,生存恐怖
  • 游戏引擎: Unreal Engine 4
  • 游玩人数: 1-2人
  • 发行日期: 2021年10月22日
  • 售价: US$ 29.99
  • 官方网站:


/ 8人想玩 / 41人玩过 / 2人在玩 / 3人搁置 / 1人抛弃
The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of standalone, cinematic branching horror games where the decisions you make in the game determine the story and the outcome you receive.

House of Ashes is the third game in the series.

Iraq, 2003. As the conflict draws to a close a Military Unit, accompanied by CIA field operative Rachel King, is ordered to investigate a suspected underground chemical weapons facility in shadow of the Zagros Mountains.

Arriving at the coordinates, the search party is ambushed by a local patrol led by Sergeant Salim Othman.

During the battle, an earth tremor opens sinkholes in the ground, pitching both sides into the ruins of a buried Sumerian temple and, in the darkness beneath the Arabian Desert, something evil is awakened. Savage and unstoppable, a nest of ancient and unearthly creatures have a new prey to hunt.

Horrific discoveries and impossible decisions face the Unit as they strive to navigate a subterranean labyrinth and escape the terrifying threat.

Will they each prioritise their own survival, or put aside their fears and their personal rivalries to fight together as one?




牛子豪 玩过 @ 2023-12-12 15:51


五十三有四 玩过 @ 2023-12-4 12:25


现在的太一 抛弃 @ 2023-10-28 17:51

游戏官方制作组请相信接下来俺要说的话啊!俺在游戏流程里被你们害惨了. 首先被官方混淆是非得指示窒息了战友梅文; 随后有慌慌张张指示了惊慌失措的萨林姆击毙了艾瑞克;接着控制杰森正当防卫了从背后偷袭失败的乔伊;亲眼目睹了奄奄一息的克莉丝临终前的告别;毛手毛脚得见证了舍己救人的英雄杰森,就这么被千年老妖单枪独马一发明枪给带走了;最后面对瑞秋质问萨林姆为什么要对艾瑞克开枪时,俺又不假思索脱口选出“ Things are not like that,It happened too fast! ” 给人不知好歹自取灭亡,活该一枪爆头的狡辩. 对于罪证如山的本人,俺发誓不是有而为之故意想撮合瑞秋与黑人小哥一起蒸蒸日上的. 俺可以用这张说谎不会打草稿的嘴脸作证. 为此甚至强制自己抛弃本作其他一切可以达成的完美结局.(❁´◡`❁)

三三两两 玩过 @ 2023-9-7 12:17

系列第三作灰冥界,也是最好的一作。相较于2和4代节奏拖沓无聊,这一作剧情虽然老套,但能神展开,全程爆点动作戏不断,紧张刺激,非常适合拉好友一起玩。 个人排名3灰冥界>1棉兰号>2稀望镇>>4心中魔

FeatherKaneChan 玩过 @ 2023-5-13 12:17


泷见 想玩 @ 2022-12-30 11:03


東瀬まつり🦋❄️🐻💎🐺🍎🐠 玩过 @ 2022-11-21 05:45


Shinai深蓝 玩过 @ 2022-9-20 23:34


Gyphera 玩过 @ 2022-5-9 04:43


长冷 玩过 @ 2022-5-5 19:07


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