Scherzo - Verwitterte Melodie 剧场版

  • 中文名: 风化的旋律
  • 别名: Weatherbeaten Melody
  • 导演: Hans Fischerkoesen
  • 编剧: Horst von Möllendorff
  • 上映年度: 1943-10(德国)
  • 片长: 10min


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章节列表 [全部]:
    A bee exits a flower and flies with no apparent destination in mind. It discovers an abandoned phonograph in a field of flowers. There is a record on the phonograph, and the bee learns to use its stinger as a stylus. Recorded music is heard from the record. Other insects start dancing to the music. As different songs are heard, the insects react to them in various ways. When the bee gets tired, a hedgehog briefly replaces it as the stylus. The bee soon returns to its music-playing. The bee learns to dance to the music. The dance party ends when the satisfied bee flies away from the phonograph.

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    sunmzee 看过 @ 2021-3-9 16:53


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