The Big Bang Theory (Season 9)

ep.19 The Solder Excursion Diversion

时长:00:20:50 / 首播:2016-03-31
While Leonard and Howard work in Howard's lab, their wives join them and help them with their project. When the guys leave to pick up more solder, they run into a Will Smith movie preview and decide to lie to their wives and attend. Howard spitefully texts Raj, unaware that he is in the lab with the girls. Raj is ready to help the girls bust their husbands' lie, but the guys show up with flowers and an apology.

Sheldon's old computer dies so Amy buys him a new one. Sheldon doesn't want to dispose of the broken one and takes Amy to a storage facility and discloses a secret that he has never thrown anything away, including clothes, broken electronics and toothbrushes. Amy now feels closer to him. Sheldon sends her home so he can Skype with her in bed on his new high resolution computer.

Title reference: Leonard and Wolowitz attending the movie screening, instead of acquiring the soldering equipment for their experiment.

吐槽箱 6

#1 - 2016-4-6 09:44
#1-1 - 2016-4-8 19:23
#2 - 2016-4-9 23:35
(world edge theory)
Busting you!hhhh(bgm38)
事到如今居然添设定吗..这种作法带来的新奇劲跟刚开始没法比了 不如在故事上多下下工夫
#3 - 2016-4-18 03:27
(Let me be brave.)
#4 - 2016-4-30 15:55
(高帅富都是相似的,苦逼却各有各的苦逼 ... ... ... ... ...)
#5 - 2022-3-8 12:43
这集的质量中下,非常无聊又说不通。就 Sheldon 的性格,怎么会因为保留了旧物感到羞耻,他难道不是对此感到特别骄傲吗?竟然拥有一个这么大的私人仓库,而且从这么多旧物,真的感到美国人的浪费 L 和 H 那边的故事就完全说不通,突然有人邀请看电影,突然承认撒谎,这剧本真是太生硬了。这集有《Cars》诶,Bernie 吐槽 Penny 拖拉,说她是 Lightning McQueen 哈哈哈。有种「学霸都做了 11 页题了,同桌一直在玩,只做了 3 页」的感觉。