House of Cards (Season 2)

ep.6 Chapter 19

时长: / 首播:2014-02-14
Rachel battles the heat wave. Tusk and Frank discuss the energy crisis caused by China's samarium price hike. Unable to get Walker's ear, Tusk allies with Frank. Walker agrees to Frank's suggestion to purchase samarium elsewhere. Lucas fights a plea deal of 7 years versus 35. Claire and Tricia Walker meet regarding advocating military oversight and when Christina interrupts them, Claire plants the seed that the President might be sleeping with Christina. Rachel helps Lisa at the church, but Doug tells her to stop. Tom visits Lucas in prison and takes over his research. Jackie and Remy meet on legislation to pressure Tusk. They sleep together. Remy realizes Tusk will fight the President's legislation. Frank tells Walker to stand firm. Claire encourages Christina to liberally avail her help to the Walkers. As Tom uncovers dirt, Doug tells FBI liaison Green (Jeremy Holm) to make Lucas take the deal. Meanwhile, Frank meets Tom to stonewall him headon. Green coerces Janine (Constance Zimmer) to discredit Tom and Lucas' story. Frank goes to Camden Yards to throw out the first pitch and a Tusk company shuts off the power. Tusk says this could happen anywhere. Frank encourages Walker to seize Tusk's power plants. Tom and Janine tell Lucas Frank is going to go free. Frank and Tusk meet at Freddy's (Reg E. Cathey) to reconcile to no avail. Doug tells Rachel the heat is off, but she feels Doug has the hots for her.

吐槽箱 3

#1 - 2014-5-20 07:26
(傷ついた 君はまだ 青い空 探していたね)
在Baltimore Orioles的主场开球ww
#2 - 2015-4-1 01:00
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#3 - 2016-5-12 00:59
捕手连防具都不戴啊(bgm39) 我还蛮想看开球的